Sitecore MVP 2016

A slightly different type of post today, the next entry in the series I am writing about extending xDB and Experience Profile is coming at the end of the week. Instead of the usual development guides, sample code and concepts its more of a “Good news everyone!

Sitecore has announced its Most Valuable Professionals (MVPs) for 2016 and with an insane amount of happiness that I can say I was one of those chosen. This quote by Lars Nielsen, Sitecore Co-founder, can explain the MVP award more succinctly more than I’m able to;

“The Sitecore MVP Award is given to exceptional community leaders who foster the free and objective exchange of knowledge by actively sharing their real-world expertise with users.”

There are 221 MVPs world wide split across three disciplines; Technology, Commerce and Digital Strategist. For me to receive the recognition of Technology MVP is nothing short of incredible. And in someways daunting – knowing the capabilities, contributions and, pretty much, genius of past and present MVPs.

Sitecore MVPs 2016

The full list of MVPs can be found here. There is a nice feeling seeing my brother’s name with mine in UK MVPs. There are really talented developers on the list and above that, they are genuinely nice people. One of the best things about being in the Sitecore community is the sense of inclusion and how connected you are with other developers regardless of location.

Sharing and writing this blog has made me a better developer and I get a huge amount of enjoyment out of it (not only from watching my site’s stats). I really hope my ramblings or experiences have helped someone out along the way.

So if you’ve read a post of mine, copied a code snippet, used a StackOverflow answer to solve a problem or installed one of my modules, cheers! Here’s to many more years!

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