SUGCON 2018 Presentation – A Developer Pays their Debts

Earlier in the year I was fortunate enough to be selected to present at Sitecore User Group Conference, SUGCON.

I presented with Wesley Lomax on the thinking, approach, and execution of how we solved the technical debt in a multi-million pound Sitecore implementation.

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Sitecore – Pay your technical debts and move to Helix

At a recent Sitecore UK User Group Wesley Lomax and I presented on how to resolve technical debts in Sitecore implementations. With the release of the Helix principles last year a lot of preexisting Sitecore implementations are now facing the challenge of moving to these principles but are hindered by a load of technical debt.

For enterprise level implementations, it’s going to feel like an insurmountable challenge –  refactoring and correcting a colossal codebase and it’s Information Architecture (IA). It’s all probably been in development for years by multiple developers with multiple design patterns. On top of that add technical and business constraints, maintaining Business-as-usual, and still delivering projects? Fixing and updating legacy implementation soon seems like an impossible task.

I recently moved from agency to client-side this year and I have tackled this exact problem so I wanted to share some of my experiences to help others out.

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